Interaction Audit
Customer Experience mapped ongoing will ensure you improve Satisfaction & optimize Cost. Our trained shoppers create real-life situations & anonymously evaluate elements critical to your business success like Selling skills, Process Efficiency, Knowledge, speed of Service
When answers and insights are required with intricate details on a continuous basis, RAG Scores’ Interaction Audits are highly effective in finding out consumer opinions. Through our carefully designed audit sheets you can specifically identify the areas of strength & improvement alike. Typically used in Call centers and Service Centers, RAG Scores audits the calls as a third party
Our Interaction Audits are ideal for:
- Call centres - RAG Scores audits the calls as a third party
- Identifying process issues
- Improving productivities
- Identifying training needs
We work with you to develop the audit framework to maximize participation.
To learn more about Interaction Audits contact us and ask for a customized session
A Unit of Service Solutions